1. Return policy

Dear customer, we attach great importance to your shopping experience on our electronic components website. In order to ensure that you can purchase with confidence during the purchase process, we provide you with the following return policy:

1. Return time: You can apply for return within 5 days from the date you sign for the product.

2. Return request

In order to ensure a smooth return process, please ensure that the following conditions are met before applying for a return:

a) The product packaging is intact and has not been opened;

b) The product is not used;

c) The product is not damaged;

d) When returning goods, please send product pictures/videos, etc. to customer service via email or online chat

Please note that if the returned product does not meet the above conditions, it may affect your refund application.

3. Return shipping

When returning goods, please be sure to choose a shipping method with tracking records. Please confirm the mailing address and communicate with us before returning the goods.

4. Refund processing

After we receive the returned product, we will conduct a return inspection within 3 working days. After confirmation, we will handle the refund for you, and the refund amount will be returned to your original payment account.

5. Circumstances in which the return policy does not apply

This return policy will not apply to the following situations, please understand:

a) Return application for more than 5 days;

b) Special promotions, clearance or customized products;

c) Product damage caused by the customer himself.

2. After-sales service

If you find any quality problems with the product during use, please feel free to contact us. We will wholeheartedly provide you with after-sales services, such as product repairs, replacements, etc.

Thank you again for choosing our website, we will continue to improve our services to provide you with a better shopping experience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.