Dear user, welcome to our electronic components website. In order to protect your personal privacy and ensure that you understand your rights when using our website services, please read this privacy policy carefully.

1. Information collection and use

1. When you visit our website or use our services, we may collect some personal information you provide. This information may include but is not limited to: name, gender, contact information, email, address, etc.
2. In addition to the information you actively provide, we may also collect system log information, device information, access IP addresses, cookies and other information generated during your use of our services to ensure the normal operation of the website and facilitate your use experience.
3. We will use the collected information for the following purposes:
a. Provide you with relevant services;
b. Provide you with customized content and product recommendations based on your needs;
c. Analyze and optimize our website services and continuously improve user experience;
d. Ensure the security of your information and prevent fraud and other malicious behaviors;
e. Comply with relevant laws and regulations.

2. Information security

1. We will take reasonable technical means and management measures to protect the security of your personal information and prevent your information from being lost, leaked, damaged or accessed without authorization.
2. We will regularly back up personal information stored on our servers to prevent data loss.
3. You can also help protect the security of your personal information in the following ways:
a. Please keep your account and password information safe and do not disclose it to others easily;
b. When you use our website in public, please remember to log out of your account to prevent malicious operations by others;
c. If you find that the security of your personal information has been compromised, please contact us in time.

3. Information Disclosure

1. We may disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:
a. Obtain your consent;
b. According to the provisions of laws and regulations or the legal requirements of the government;
c. To protect our legitimate rights and interests or the safety of our customers;
d. Share information with our affiliated companies to provide better services;
e. In the case of mergers, acquisitions, reorganization, etc., your personal information may be provided to relevant parties.

2. We will not sell or otherwise illegally sell your personal information.

4. Use of Cookies

To facilitate you to use our website more efficiently, we may use cookies when you visit the website to record your browsing behavior, device information and other related data. You can decide whether to accept cookies through your browser settings. However, please note that if you disable cookies, some website functions may not function properly.

5. Scope of application and changes

This privacy policy applies only to our electronic components website. If you link to another website, you are advised to review the privacy policy of the relevant website.

We may update this Privacy Policy when necessary. The updated content will be posted on this page and the last updated date will be indicated. Please check it regularly to understand changes to the privacy policy.

6. Contact information

If you have any questions or suggestions about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email: [] We will try our best to answer your concerns and provide you with services.

Thank you for your trust and support in our electronic components website! Hope our service can satisfy you!